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Focus Group Discussions ( FGDs)

A focus group discussion ( FGD ) is a way of collecting qualitative data, which basically includes involving a small number of people in an informal group discussion ( or discussions), focused around a specific topic or a set of issues for their views, opinions, philosophy, beliefs and attitude towards a product, service, concept or an idea. Focus group discussion ( FGD) is valid to both business to business marketing research and to consumer research.  Mavericks has applied an array of time-proven qualitative techniques to a variety of consumer and business to business research applications. These techniques include:

  • Traditional ( In person)
  • Online ( Web-based, interactive and forum/bulletin board based)

  These strategies might be applied to any of the following:

  • Market profiling
  • Market segmentation studies
  • Market share analysis
  • Product development research
  • Product positioning studies
  • Retail intercept studies

On average, 6-10 people participate in each focus group.

  • Small enough to give everyone the opportunity to express their opinion.
  • Large enough to provide diversity of opinions.
  • Involve people who are not acquainted with each other

We believe that the ability to be accustomed to the customer’s needs is the key to success of any business or public sector organizations. We generally use focus group discussions ( FGDs ) in qualitative analysis of data, planning, methodology, marketing, or evaluation of a product or services and offer solutions for all market research needs. Our experts ensure that customer needs are properly understood. It is our skill to get behind the skin of customers and offer them an independent view of the research. In addition to expansive education on quantitative research our experts conduct qualitative research applying highly specific and experienced facilitators, as qualitative research can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of quantitative research.

The moderator is responsible for moderating the discussion, encouraging respondents to speak, and motivating all the members to participate. The trained moderators among a small group of respondent gather information through the collection of detailed opinions and interviews. The moderators raise an atmosphere which inspires subjects to speak freely. At Mavericks we have a dedicated one way mirror viewing facility based in New Delhi whereby focus group discussions, in-depth interviews are conducted. Most FGDs last for one to two hours. Two hours are generally accepted as the outside limit as the quality of information elicited tends to fade after this amount of time. Well-designed group discussions usually last between 1 to 2 hours.

To assist the assessment of the results of a focus group discussion, the session is usually audio or video taped. The taping of focus group discussions ( FGDs ) provides an extremely useful mean of collecting and analyzing data. Transcripts can be made of the tapes and the responses of respondents can be interpreted and categorized.

Mavericks has carried out hundreds of focus groups (or group discussions) with both consumers and businesses. We have used focus groups to capture perceptions, opinions, beliefs and attitudes towards a product, methodology, service, concept, qualitative analysis of data or idea of the consumer. 

All of the researchers at Mavericks are trained moderators and are experienced in utilizing specialized qualitative techniques. The dedicated Quality Control (QC) team validates all data collection and field activities of the partner data collection team and select field partners and review every survey through multiple QC checkpoints before data is dispatched to the clients. 

Focus group discussions ( FGDs ) provide instant feedback for clients and provide in-depth data that isn’t always achieved through other many quantitative research methods. Our up-to-date facility and unique research approaches provide various qualitative methodology options, including online focus groups, IDIs, dyads, triads, quads and mini group discussions.