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Agriculture Market Research

“Agriculture Market Research for an honorable and high minded man, is the best of all occupations or arts by which men procure the means of living.”   Xenophon
Mavericks helps agricultural producers and equipment manufacturers to face challenges in agricultural marketing reports by rendering proficient solutions in various strategic marketing areas. We assist clients to increase their sales and profit by identifying new potential markets industry analysis and developing an entry strategy when they face high competition with price pressure in the current existing markets. Mavericks provides highly accurate insights and reports to the clients through its specialized agricultural scientists and researchers.

Our Experience

Mavericks has a special research team to understand the market conditions in the agriculture sector in India. The team has elaborate experience in areas like crop development, crop management, crop production, upcoming market trends, agricultural equipment markets, APMC (Agricultural Produce Market Committee) benchmarking studies and several other services related to the agriculture sector. Our experts work with clients during each phase of marketing strategy development and implementation to deliver committed results. We have done in-depth research in the following crops: rice, wheat, brinjal, cotton, chilly, tea, coffee, grapes, sugar cane, maize, tomato and potato (seasonal and cash crops). Mavericks has also given agriculture inputs in herbicides, fungicides, seeds, fertilizers and other related areas.

  • Agricultural Market Research and strategy
  • Implementation support for Agricultural Marketing strategy and plan
  • Agricultural Market Research in India and Global Market
  • Marketing Audit of Agricultural market analysis & plan
  • Branding of Agricultural Products
  • India Entry Strategy